Prepare for the test! The ICAO English Test Preparation Course is coming soon. Learn more.
About the test
The online test is based upon ICAO Doc 9835, the EU Directive 2006/23/EC and the Danish BL 6-08.
The requirement for the ICAO Language Proficiency Test is applicable to all ICAO member states.
You will perform in a work related interview by answering pre-recorded questions and simulated ATC readback in English language.
See how the test works

The test consists of 3 parts and a video call
Image questions
You will be presented with three on screen pictures randomly selected from our database, all showing aviation themes. Use as many words as possible to describe what you see.
Example image & answer:

Audio questions
Answer the questions generated by the online interface. You will be asked a number of different questions by the “virtual interviewer”. You choose when the question shall start playing, and then you must start recording your answer. It is important that you answer with long sentences and NOT only “Yes” or “No” or very short sentences. Remember, it is your language skills that will be evaluated and not the content of what you say.
Example question & answer:
ATC transmissions
Perform a simulated ATC communication with read back on the basis of the scenario created in the online module of the test. That will enable us to assess your English language skills. Your answers will be recorded and later assessed by an Authorized Language Assessor.
Example transmission & response:
Video call
After completing the third part, you will be asked to schedule a live video call with an assessor. The language assessor will ask a series of questions related to the briefing package and to your role in aviation. You will not be asked any complicated technical questions and you will not be tested in knowledge. Duration of the video call will be approximately 15 minutes.
You will receive information about how to connect to the interview during the booking process. A stable internet connection that supports video calls is required. The video call can be performed from either a mobile device with a front camera or a computer/laptop with a webcam.

Test results
We assess your answers and rate you according to the ICAO standard.
We fill out the language certificate form for issuance of your language rating.
Your result will be emailed to you within two days – all you need to do is sign it and send it to your CAA for validation.
How to make a successful test
We created this guide to help you to help you prepare and make a successful test.
- Make sure your browser is updated to the latest version and that you are using one of the supported browsers:
- Chrome (Desktop & Android)
- Firefox (Desktop)
- Safari (MacOS 11 & iOS 13 or newer)
- Edge (Desktop)
- We strongly to recommend to use headphones, especially when using a mobile device to take the test. Please do not use wireless earbuds with a poor microphone quality.
- Make sure you are facing the web cam from a distance of approximately 50-80 cm, and that your face is clearly visible. Please do not wear a face mask or other covering during the test and video call.
- Make sure your internet connection is stable and reliable.
- Do not wear any sunglasses, caps or other headwear that will prevent our assessor from positively identifying you as the person in the official identification document photo.
- Make sure you are in a quiet location and that you are alone in the room. Switch off any radio, audio or TV set in the room. There cannot be other people in the room when you perform the test.
- Avoid very short or “Yes” and “No” answers. We have designed open, work related questions. Just answer these questions as if you were talking to a person in front of you. Give a full and rich answer by using as many words as you can; the more words you use, the higher the test quality is likely to get.
- If you want to hear a question again, click on the “Replay” button. This will not affect your grade.
- Just relax and pretend you are talking to another person in front of you on the other side of the screen.
- We are not testing your knowledge, but we do test your understanding of a question. If you get a question where you are not sure you know the correct answer, simply answer to the best of your knowledge. Example: Let us say you are to explain the difference between Vx and Vy. We do expect that you talk about climb gradients or that you explain why you don’t remember this, if that is the case.
- You will get 10 randomly selected, work related questions and a simulated flight from A to B, where you have to read back the approximately 25 ATC clearances of which some are taxi clearances and others are only a flight level. As in real life, it is recommended that you have a pen and a piece of paper ready to take notes for the ATC clearances.
- Don’t worry if you think you have failed to answer a question or an ATC read back. We are using all your answers and read backs to evaluate your proficiency and one failed or short answered question will not necessarily affect your grade.
Got questions? Go to FAQ.